Command Line Reference

CLI commands and options

Common options

-c, --configPath to the configuration file.* Defaults to: ./Sheepfile
-v, --verboseSet the log level to debug.

encrypt SECRET

Encrypt the provided secret using the provided public GPG key.

-k, --keyThe public key (at runtime, ESIO decrypts the secret using the job's private key).* Required: yes
-a, --standard-armorDo not strip PGP headers and carriage returns.* Defaults to: false

help [COMMAND]

Show general help message or help for a specific command.


Stop the master process, if any, then start a new one and place it in the background. See the start command for a list of available options.


Start a master process, place it in the background and activate scheduling of the backup jobs. Whenever a schedule expires the master forks a worker to process the corresponding backup job.

-f, --pidfileThe path to the PID file of the master process* Defaults to: ./
-l, --logfileThe path to the log file* Defaults to: ./electric_sheep.log
-w, --workersThe maximum number of workers to launch in parallel* Defaults to: 1

The master process usually consumes less than 100 MB RAM, where workers may temporarily eat up to 500 MB when processing large files. You may increase the allowed number of parallel workers according to the resources available on the machine in which ESIO is run.


Get the PID of an existing master process from the pidfile and sends it the TERM signal so that it stops gracefully.

-f, --pidfileThe path to the PID file of the master process* Defaults to: ./


Show the version number and the SHA-1 hash of the Git revision.


Run projects in the Sheepfile in sequence.

-j, --jobName of a single job to execute* Defaults to: all jobs.